Zach Johnson, Developer

Nonsense Shakespeare

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The OuLiPo, a French, avant-garde group of writers and mathematicians, formally began during the creation of Raymond Queneau's 100,000,000,000,000 Poems. Queneau wrote 10 14-line poems with identical rhyme schemes and produced a book wherein each page is cut into 14 strips, with one line on each strip, allowing the reader to construct a 'new' poem by combining lines from Queneau's original 10.

This little application leverages Shakespeare's 154 Sonnets to similar effect by interweaving pairs of rhyming lines from multiple sonnets, creating a new sonnet from Shakespeare's own words.

This was built with HTML/CSS/JS, and the sonnet lines were sourced from the Open Source Shakespeare database with a few simple SQL queries.

N.B. The original 1961 Cent mille milliards de poèmes begins with the following quote from Alan Turing: "Only a machine can appreciate a sonnet written by another machine."